PRACTICE LIMITED TO ALLERGY AND SKIN DISEASES TELEPHONE 686-6861 PHILIP E. ZANFAGNA, M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 163 LAWRENCE STREET LAWRENCE, MASSACHUSETTS 01841 July 2h, 1969 Professor Joshua Lederberg, Ph. D. Chairnan, Department of Genetics Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: - Dr. Frederick Stare emphasized in a television program (WNAC-TV: July 23, 1969) that he has received a letter with your Signature favoring and endorsing compulsory fluoridation of public drinking water. His answer was the result of a statement made expresSing your concern that more research is needed on the genetics effects of artificial fluoridation, Since this statement may influence the Massachusetts Legislature who we are. attempting to convince to repeal the compulsory fluoridation law, I shall most sincerely appreciate knowing, Dr. Lederberg, whether you endorse fluoridation of drinking water for everyone and whether you so stated ina letter to Dr, Stare, Thank you, Yours most respectfully, AY . \" Philip E, Zanfagna, M.D. Dear Dr, Zanfagna: I can best answer your question by sending you the relevant part of my letter to Dr. Stare. I believe that present evidence supports the merits -of fluoridation, and I would advocate it; however, this is a tentative judgment that requires continuing study. In any case, topi- cal application is obviously a preferable method to administer fluoride, and communities that adopt effective systems to bring its advantages to all their children could then dispense with augmenting the water supply. urs sincerefy’, oshua Lederberg Cc: Dr. Stare P.S. I have made no comment on the "genetics effects of artificial fluoridation." Someone may have cafused this with some speculatiens about chlerination. AUG @¢ 1969 ~