4Am-(3! July 25, 1969 Herman W, Lewis, Head Cellular Biology Section National Science Foundation Washington, D. C. 20550 Dear Dr. Lewis: Upon return from my vacation, I find your very encouraging letter of July 1 on my desk and apologize for not having answered sooner. I spent three weeks in Europe and had occasion to visit numerous zoos, even obtained a skin biopsy for tissue culture from the only captive Sumatran rhinoceros (Copenhagen Zoo). In Europe, I had occasion to discuss the possibility of establishing such a tissue bank with numerous individuals. All were enthusiastic about it and urged that we proceed with it. Several of the men I spoke to are quite influential and would lend their support to it. Thus, Dr. Roth of the FAO in Rome; Dr. Schaurte, head of the "Rhino group" of the IUCN; Dr. Christensen, Editor of the Nordisk Vet. Med. J., and others. In November when I will have to be at WHO in Geneva I will visit the IUCN in Morges (Dr. Holoway) and try to get their support for it. Dr. Roth at “AO has tried before but their outfit has a sperm bank for some domestic stock only and reported that the expert committee of IUCN had, in the past, not evinced any interest. I believe they need te be convinced. Personally, I feel that it is high time this thing gets underway while tissues of rare animals are still available! perhaps the international goodwill engendered by the moon adventure will be helpful. Also the fact that numerous animals are currently in culture which will never be gotten again (take the Sumatran rhino, three species of whale, 4 manatee, etc.). It is difficult for me to make concrete proposals, particularly some that are coupled with specific monetary suggestions. I find it nec- essary that a small committee meet for one day soon at Washington to discuss this. Ideally, this would take place before Oct. 10. At that time will be the meeting of the International Zoo Directors Association in New York. They should receive a proposal, for their cooperation will be vital.