UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WASHINGTON OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY May 22, 1969 (202) 343-5485 Ean Dear Josh: I do hope that you will be able to undertake the responsibility for giving at least an introductory statement, if not the main discussion, on the topic of Fundamental Biological Problems in connection with the AAAS Symposium n "Is There an Optimum Level of Population?" The Symposium will be held on December 29 and 30, 1969. Enclosed is an essay describing the purpose and scope of the Symposium and the proposed program. Also attached are the names of invitees, with acceptances marked by underlining. The Symposium comes at a very opportune time. The new Administration is beginning to give serious thought to the formulation of population policy, and this discussion of policy could well be guided by the thoughts expressed and discussed during the Symposium. We are anticipating an attendance of 8,000 at the AAAS meeting, and may well draw 800 to 1000 to the Symposium itself. You will note that the sessions are so arranged that they will appeal to the disciplinary interest as well as to the general interest in ‘the audience. The discussions will be taped and made available by the AAAS to schools, organizations, and private individuals. In addition, parts of the Symposium may be televised over the educational network. All of this is in addition to the intensive press coverage that is normally given to all AAAS national meetings. I very much hope that you will be able to accept this invitation and that you will phone me in the very near future so that we can discuss some of the details. Sincerely yours, Tew S. Fred Singer Deputy Assistant iy bt Dr. Joshua Lederberg 9 jo QL bool School of Medicine acer fing, Stanford University Stanford, California cacy pum cated dann earreedot Co Enclosures ray } yo JUN 3 1969 D6 Come (Uv ‘engl rn