STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DEPARTMENT OF GENELICS Area Code 415 321-1200 Professor Harold P. Green Professor of Law George Washihington University Washington, D. C. Januery 31, 1969 Dear Professor Green-- I was hoppy to note your letter to the editor in the dan. 18 issue of the Washington Post. I sey this without irony, for it certeinly wes not my intention to provoke any personel polemics. If the press reports were such a distortion, it is a service to public understanding (even more then to your own reputation) thot there unreliability be underscored. You will note that I did emphasize the source of the quotetions, end elsewhere in the column attenpted to distinguish the possible (but too prevalent) misunderstanding of remarks like“stretchout of technology” from your own, certainly less sinplicistic views. My immedistereaction, however, is thet we are still poles spart ong one issue of social philosophy. Your reaction to technological disharmony is to speak for a stretchout (though you regard it as xexk unpeslistic). Mine is to demand that our social snd political thinking be brousht into the present century. A technological stretchout is not going to alleviate globel malnutrition; more intensive studies of hunsn (and agri- cultural) biology msy be able to help. Perhaps more importent, the moin embarressment that science often imposes on our social (and msy I say lezal) institutions is by exposing evils once cloaked in ignorance or excused by impotence. However, I am again committing the sin of which you complain, qunking reacting to your statements in the press, possibly out of context. Would you favor me with a complete copy of your talk at Dallas? Yours sincerely, hw Lone (doshine Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.S. Realistic of not, pless for stretchout are often echoed in Congress and must have sone influence on precarious budgets for basic science. LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE