mua Lederbes ical School @ University to, Calif, to express Ly Aapprecia pesticides and their b sus. JT an in complete a ditional research on the ag an entorolosist-seneticist=toxic earga--and as one who needs a plece ature of vicrosoral induction, on oF genetle approaches with house flies, I have prepared pe @ proving very useful in this research. ‘Thus, I heve "33 3 (tnose vith umisua Ally hich oxidative activity), nODpU- do sily inducible, and eleo populations which are resistant to ides. Work soon to be published nave shown a surprising ab: esistant populations, They nossess about two tines the ue se-S-phoephate dohydroceasae activity and utilige the pen an unusually high degree in metabolizing infected slucoce, The is quite clear--resistance to inducers and high G-6-PD lev le. It = ty hope trat further work with these populations tight shed much Licht on the mechanisrs controlling detoxifying enzywes in aninals and possibly, on the | nature of reszonses to stress, Further, I sussest that house fly posu- lations with their easy uaintenance and hish level of sensti 1203 enould prove ideal for this vork, Bax you Lor your consideration, 1953 , Pony rap nt 3 “ a . f WO bbe CLA aa. ~e Lad. ra