January 14, 1969 Mr. W. HM. MeKeeman 239 Meadow Road Santa Cruz, California Dear Bill: Thank you for your nete on my column. In fact I think you peamseived that my subject was simply a different one from the one that nags you. . I am enclosing aome of my own previous writings that may give you an idea of the drift of my thoughta. I should be very cautious in attempting to write about this to a philosophically unprepared audience which is almost certain to misconstrue the intention of such discussion. I am not sure that the nagging problem has as much content to it as I used to think myself. I don't see a pitched battle between man and machines for supremacy, for I don't see either the indivi- dual man or the individual machine as the relawant unit. Hy think- ing 19 not my terminology runs close to the lines advocated in Julian Huxley's collection " The Humanist Frame''. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL:lh Encl.