rn Landers Cig Win ove June 18, 1968 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for your immediate reply to my letter requesting information on LSD and unborn babies, In addition to the information, I was especially interested in your closing sentence. "If Congress continues to cut back on budgets for health research, we May never have the answers to these questions." As I am on the Harvard Medical School Committee for Development and Resources, I am painfully aware of the problems which have resulted from slashing the federal budget. Medical research is in a bad way. And, it is going to get worse before it gets better, I would like permission to publish an edited version of your letter. If you would like to strengthen your closing statement, it might be very useful. May I hear from you on this? My best wishes and my thanks. Sincerely, pe AL:rg P.S. Home address: 1000 Lake Shore Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60611