August 26, Dr. Joshue Ledarbers, Stanford University School of vt aq a A ee io aA wih ARG (oer ZEAL ALL Luge 1968 to @ Qs He oO bh. =) Q J Stanford Medical Center, Palo hlto, California, 94304 Deer Dr. Lederberg | We would very much like to have a picture of ws al you suitrole for use with your column. TI? you gu could serd one wa would ba most eooreciativa. A five by saven or smaller orint would v4 fine. A most frightening but important column on 4s ‘Mardy Urzvipuse You may wall have established its Nom? r wo _ wat ee oA e. uy sf . Ve VX | “ W/o? £ (6S So! Dear -Howard ‘ “S This one was drowned by the Ceech crisis And as I could very readily understand, escaped the 8/24 issue, but it has a message I am particularly anxious to convey to the washington audience. Is there any way of Squeezginy it in elsewhere in the Fost; or save it for local use at your own discretion if my current weekly contribution seems rather dull. Or even give the syndicate" a vacation that week, as a last resort. a. ofp £ foo». if “ * = f. bese Ore Cokinatet, A Liyiean f Ay PLA Con . / CN / 334