Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Sen. Javits Jay 16 ‘97 Re US forces in Furope Dear Jack-- I was most interested to see these remarks about the function of our forces -- and I happen to agree strongly with them, though we must certainly reappraise the argupent from time to time. Mey I have a copy of your full text? I do not recall ever having seen this point being made by others, end if you could point me to any record thereof, I would appreciate it. 4 Javits Says U.S. Presence Ir, Europe Reassures Soviet jv Special to The New York Times ih . BONN, West Germany, Jan. 5—An undiminished United States military presence in Eu- rope lends stability to a wide area around the Continent, pleasing even the Soviet Union and tempering its policies, Senator Jacob K. Javits said to- Iday. | Speaking at a news confer- ‘ence at the American Embassy ‘here, the New York Republican -contended that a substantial ‘eut in the 310,000-man Amer- ican force in Europe and the ‘Mediterranean would seriously ‘upset the balance of power on the Continent. “The Soviet Union has_al- most a paranoic fear of Ger- many, and the presence of United States troops in Europe PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG ‘tends, notwithstanding what Department of Genetics they may say, to give them al School of Medicine ‘sense of reassurance that they Stanford University ‘will not have to face a super-) Stanford, California 94305 “nationalistic Germany at any- ‘time and therefore that the not have to pursue as ~ ‘sive a policy towar” las they would © ‘they have to. ‘Javits sai? The nis*