August 13, 1968 Memo to JL Just talked to Panofsky about Sakaroff. He made some inquiries while he vs East and there is evidently no information whatsoever about his recent whereabouts or activities and certainly nothing to give any hint about the present reaction of the government or the party to his manifesto. There seems to be nothing going on in the Russian papers about him whatsoever. Panofsky's general view was that in the absence of any information about the possible actions that the government may be taking against him that it would be better to keep quite still. One theory is that they may tolerate his free expression provided it does not get above a certain noise level but that if it does become a cause celebre around the world that this may force them to take some action on him. Of course, the government may be moving any of a number of different directions at this time but he thinks it would be rocking the boat to preceed without getting more information. He and Shiff will be in Vienna later this month. They will have a chance to talk to Tom and that might give basis for better judgment about possibility of any concerted gz reaction. From my own point of view I think I have to accept his judgment. I would also make a clear distinction between a concerted reaction which was intended to keep the issue alive and the kind of momentary comment that I put in at the time of my column which would be of the same genre as the editorials in the New York Times and so forth. File - August 3rd