Bob Jervis [stamped, FEB 14 1983] . . . Escalation Domniance [sic] . . . . Your paper is magnificent! I'm about 1/2 way through; and already wanted to acknowledge it. My letter of Jan 5. echoes some of the same ideas (little wonder). Your writing leads me to some self-criticism about not expressing my full meaning. We all internalize dialectic and compromise for tactical persuasion at the margin. I am glad you did less of that! I will have to discuss with you further why we do need, as I believe, more theater-capable forces. Demonstra- [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] -tion of resolve and commitment to positions we value (but less than to risk mutual suicide) are part of it. Perhaps slightly different is to avoid loss of initiative, loss to faits accomplis. At theater [ . . . ] is there such a sharp line between deterrence by denial vs. by cost? In combat there is usually a tradeoff between gains and costs. More anon. Joshua.