Lt 1100 17th STREET, N.W. FRED R. HARRIS United States Senator Co-Chairman WALTER F. MONDALE United States Senator Co-Chairman RICHARD MAGUIRE Vice Chairman and Treasurer LAWRENCE J. HAYES Executive Director ORGANIZING COMMITTEE HON. HARRY S. TRUMAN Honorary Chairman MAYOR IVAN ALLEN, JR. Atlanta, Georgia HON. WILLIAM BENTON Connecticut CONG. HALE BOGGS Majority Whip House of Representatives Louisiana MAYOR A. J. CERVANTES St. Louis, Mo. HON. JAMES A. FARLEY Former Chairman, Democratic National Cammittee CONG. HENRY B. GONZALES Texas GOVERNOR WILLIAM L. GUY North Dakota AMB. PATRICIA R. HARRIS Howard University BEN W. HEINEMAN Chairman, C & N Railway CONG. CHET HOLIFIELD California GEORGE MEANY President, AFL-CIO ROBERT R. NATHAN Economist Vice Chairman, ADA FRANK O'CONNOR President, NYC Council CONG. JAMES G. O’HARA Michigan ROBERT PARTRIDGE General Manager, NRECA JAMES H. ROWE, JR. Attorney HON. TERRY SANFORD Former Governor, North Carolina HON. GEORGE L. P. WEAVER Assistant Secretary of Labor CONG. CLEMENT J. ZABLOCKI Wisconsin JUL & 1968 UNITED DEMOCRATS ror FRUMPHREY » WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 TELEPHONE 202/393-6420 July 3, 1968 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Professor Lederberg: I appreciate your thoughtfulness in writing me and sharing with me your letter, to my col- league, Senator Harris, and the other data there- by transmitted. Your constructive suggestions are greatly appreciated and I think most helpful. With warmest regards. Sincerely, \Nale Mtoe Walter F. Mondale