UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY A Tribute to the Peapte of California DONNER LABORATORY AND DONNER PAVILION BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94720 July 8, 1968 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Joshua, Many thanks for the columns, It's nice to see that the general publie is wetting educated on things that really matter! I had heard about the Xeroderma pigmentosun stuff, and was especially pleased about it, since I had pulled it out of the textbooks a couple of years ago, as a human disease that might involve a genetic repair defect, and have been mentioning it to my medical students to try to keep their interest in bacterial repair studies a bit livelier, So it will be good to be abke to show them some evidence indicating that this is really so, , About caffeine, I hope you will not mind if I straidten out @ slight inaccuracy about the sequence of events, The first report describing enhancement of lethal and mutagniec effects of caffeine was my 1958 paper (which may carry a 1959 date in its published form) given at the X Congress of Genetics, Three years later, at the 1961 Oak Ridge Symposium, I described similar results for acriflavine and other basic dyes, and offered the interpretation that caffeine, acriflavine and the other UV-enhancers were interfering with an enzymatic dark repair process nornally operating to remove UV damage from DNA, Later that year, Lieb wrote a paper on caffeine, confirming my 1958 observation, and Coming to the same conclusion -- that caffeine enhances UV effects by blocking dark repair, Ce nest pas grande chose, but I thought you would prefer to know that it wasn't quite right as you had it, Better fire your researcher! I hope you and Marguerite are settling into your new house, We still plan to call you about having dinner in S.F, one evening, probably quite soon, Regards from Hy, too, to all of you, Sincerely, Lox WATKIN