ohn Summerhill Cure 7, IVCEE Lol - Thak pa. Yoo-k yo. Veh yoo. / Es cLared - toy ver ser Ge w-2y Ge To EV goes. pel Gee | dja VE see Gow boil Sok. ef. June 3, 1968 There has been considerable misinformation about the circumstances of my departure from San Francisco State College. Here are the facts: 1. On Thursday, May 23, during negotiations with student demonstrators, I learned unofficially that arrangements were being made to replace me as President. 2. Chancellor Dumke informed me by telephone the following noon, Friday, May 24, that a new President would take office at the beginning of the next week. I left that afternoon on a business trip to Africa which had been planned, and postponed, for several weeks. 3. After my departure the Chancellor issued a public statement indicating that I “elected to resign” at that time. This is not true. I did not ask to be relieved of my post. The decision to replace me as President was made by the Chancellor. John merskill