1751 Virginia Street Berkeley, California 94703 August 26, 1968 Managing Editor Washington Post 1515 L St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Dear Sir: I am preparing a manuscript for a textbook entitled A Guide to Rapid Reading to be published in 1970 by A.A. Knopf for world distribution. I would like to reprint a column by Joshua Lederberg to use as material for a practice exercise. May I have your permission to quote the selection entitled "Science and Man, The Puzzle of the Races," Which appeared in the S.F. Chronicle Sunday Punch, August 25, 1968, in all editions of my work? The material will be reprinted in unchanged form except for the arrange-~ ment on the page, which will be in columns of varying width, from two words to 8 words per line. Proper reference and full acknowledgment will be given, of course, in whatever form you may specify. I would greatly appreciate your permission to use this material. Sincerely, -at # . Ps fad Loving Po ctic (Mrs.) Judith Levine Weisman Teacher I can and do offer you. non-exclusive rights to the publication requested above. There will be no fee, unless other authors are being reimbursed, in which case I will ask for the most favorable rate offered to any other cpntributor. I would appreciate the courtesy of a copy of the book when it |appears, Your acknowledgment should state that the article originally appeared in the Washington Post as part of a column that appears weekly there and in other newspapers. Pp Anim tek Xe "Prof. Joshua Lederberg d Department of Gonatics Sehool of Medicina Stanford University Stanford, California 9430".