+ Free Agade OM . 1 wt. General Ordnance Equipment Corporation Box 1201, Freeport Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 16238 | A member of the Smith & Wesson Law Enforcement Group Phone (412) 782-2161 June 12, 1968 Mr. Joshua Lederberg The Washington Post Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: This correspondence is in reference to an item in your April 13, 1968 article headed Here's Chloroacetophenone In Your Eye; You Better Blink. We sincerely appreciate your mention of our products, but we wish to advise that "CHEMICAL MACE®" and "MACE" are the Trademarks of General Ordnance Equipment Corporation, for its non-lethal weapons and liquid contained therein. "CHEMICAL MACE®" is covered by Registration Number 823,563 issued on February 2, 1967. You are undoubtedly aware that if our Trademarks, "CHEMICAL MACE®" and "MACE" come into wide use as generic terms we might lose our Trademark rights to them, and we are sure you will want to assist us in preventing this. In order to protect our rights, we would respectfully ask that when- ever the terms "CHEMICAL MACE®" or "MACE" are issued in any publication to describe our non-lethal weapons or the liquid projected by them, it should be placed in quotation marks, fully capitalized and accompanied by the symbol © which indicates that it is a Registered Trademark. Also, if you wish to refer to this type of device by a generic name probably the best term would be "non-lethal weapon", May we extend our thanks for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, _ GENERAL ORDNANCE EQUIPMENT CORPORATION SN KON x NSH John A. Campbell President JAC/de _ : i wn i butte yp pt me: Deas At Anaes i . Lom em PET AS Ae trod. oe AS en’ uf CAI CLAALTIAG ae tf 2° : ji es) j j pe Soe cha AL . ethan a} Paar SC yetern. a C ; tA . _ “ ' Vd ee 7 * _™ “ / soe , Co. Pa . 4G 2) : : M PEA ey ee Ere Vie hiayekig _ LE PUTA OFC LEYLA 4 Oe a . - . “A : MOTE Ss / fy a Yrewrd dene » ; First in non-lethal weanonry through technology CHEMICAL MACE® and MACE are the trademarks of General Ordnance Equipment Corporation NL imma ei ovat araanroms an ~ _ . = ==