DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20204 Robinson: Dr, In view of the wide interest among physicians concerning the current discussions on chloramphenicol, I an enclosing for your information and comment a copy of my statement on the matter before the Sub- committee on Monopoly of the Senate Select Committee on Small Business. I agree with the leadership of the American Medical Association that matters such as this ought to receive the serious attention of all members of the profession; it is in this spirit that I am sending you this letter. Also enclosed for your information are copies of pages 4463, 4464, aud 4465 from the official verbatim transcript of the hearings. They contain exchanges between Senator Gaylord Nelson, the Chairman of the Subcommittee Mr. Benjamin Gordon, Subcommittee Staff Member, and me. In reporting the hearings, United Press International sent out a story containing the following sentence in the lead paragraph: ''The problem, (Goddard) said, is, 'What can be done to protect you from your doctors?’ I think you will find the comparison between the actual transcript and the story to be of some interest. > Sincerely yours, James L. Goddard, M.D. Commissioner of Food and Drugs Enclosures