BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA e 3815 WALNUT STREET e PHILADELPHIA 4, PENNSYLVANIA September 26, 1955 Dear Dr. Lederberg: In reply to your letter of August 30, we are sorry to learn that you must give up abstracting of the Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. This is one of the most difficult journals to cover, and for that reason we are particularly appreciative of the contribution yuu save made during these past years. J hope you will express our thanks, also, to Dr. E. M. Lederberg, for her part in the work. We are pleased to have the names of several editors of the Annales, and will follow your su;:gestion of attempting to secure anthor abstracts. We are convinced that for the majority of English language and for many foreign language journals the editor-solicited author abstracts are most satisfactory, and we have been increasing our efforts to enlist such collaboration from as many journal editors as possible. Again, our thanks to you for your help in the past and best wishes to you in your present work. Sincerely yours, Phyllis V. Parkins, Editor PVP:lg (Mrs. W. M. Parkins) Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin G. Mis Conrap, DIRECTOR H. I. ANDERSON, BUSINESS MANAGER Mitton F. Stancati, EDITOR Paryuuis V. Parkins, EDITOR Mary K. DANIEL, AssocIATE EDITOR RosBErt Broce, associaTE EDITOR MarGaRET DANAHER, PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Karuanine ยง, Keane, LIBRARIAN