AUG 22 1968 wh VELHAGEN & KLASING BERLIN-BIELEFELD-HANNOVER INHABER FRANZ UND HILOEGARD CORNELSEN Professor Joshua Lederberg 1 Berlin 33 Professor of Genetics O ar Stanford University School of aeust Te, 1508 Medicine “Pe Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, Calif. 94 304 U.S.A, Dear Professor Lederberg: Thank you very much for your letter of July 29 and your kind permission. One copy of our textbook will be sent to you after publication. Due credit will, of course, be given to "The Washington Post", Nov. 4,1967. As advised in your letter we shall also inform Messrs. Doubleday that we are reproducing your article in our textbook witn your permission, Your cooperation is much appreciated, Yours sincerely, VELHAGEN & KLASING L.A. Aver Non nave (Dr. Annelore Naumann)