July 29, 1968 Dr. A. Naumann Velhagen & Klasing 1000 Berlin 31 Binger Strabe 62 GERMANY Dear Dr. Naumann: Thank you for your interest in my article on "genetic invention.” I am happy to add my own approval for the republication of the German translation of this article, furnished to you by "Die Zeit", for inclusion in your text book "Britain and America”, I will ask you to send me a copy of the book when it appears in print. The article originally appeared in English as a column in The Washington Post, dated November 4, 1967, and you should make reference to this source. It will also appear in e collection of my articles to be published by Doubleday, New York. Judging from similar previous experiences I believe I have the right to offer you the use of a single article for such a book. However if you are in any anxiety about this I suggest that you communicate directly with Doubleday, to the attention of Miss Maureen Mahon. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Professor of Genetics JL/ gem