BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA e 3815 WALNUT STREET e PHILADELPHIA 4, PENNSYLVANIA SG6l ee ONY Dear Section Editors and Collaborators: The "Guide for Preparation of Abstracts" which appears in the January, 1955 issue of BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, pages viii-x, is reprinted in the following pages. These you may already have read and have ob- served that certain minor changes are introduced chiefly in the matter of acceptable abbreviations. We hope that in the preparation of abstracts or in the process of editing, this reprint will prove useful as a refer- ence. You may be interested to know that nearly half of the subscrip- tions to BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS come from countries other than the United States. In consideration, then, of our many readers relatively unfamiliar with the English language, the Editorial Policy Committee is agreed. that all foreign language titles should be accompanied by English translations. May we take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the contribution you are making to the field of biology and to BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. We are counting on your continued and, in some instances, increased cooperation so that biologists of all countries may have an even wider and more prompt abstract coverage of their science, All good wishes for success in your individual endeavors, and in our joint effort, , Sincerely yours, Ph the Ve Cartes Phyllis V. Parkins, Editor PVP/cp G. Mires Connap, pimgcror H. I. ANDERSON, BUSINESS MANAGER Mutron F, 8tancatt, EDITOR Payruuis V, Parkins, EDITOR Manz K. DaniEu, AssoOCIATE EDITOR Roserr BLoce, AssOciaTE EDITOR MARGARET DANAHER, PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR KaTuarineE 8. KEANE, LIBRARIAN International cooperation among biologists motivated by the single purpose of endeavoring to make available to biologists everywhere the results of international biological research is a reality. Every issue of BIOLOGICAL AB- STRACTS is tangible evidence of the fact. An abstracting service such as BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, providing comprehensive cover- age and coordination of biological research the world over, must necessarily be a product of the work of hundreds of individual biologists, of the financial support of thousands more, and of the sustained help of institutions and organizations, each journal issue are assembled by these editors and sent to BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. (3) A smaller percentage is prepared in the Central Office. Abstracts are written or, when suitable, authors’ summaries or abstracts are used, with acknowledgment of the source. (4) A still smaller percentage of abstracts is se- cured by direct request to individual specialists to abstract highly technical reports of research or books and reports of symposia. Processing of Abstracts. Receipt of each ab- stract, regardless of source, is recorded in the Biological Research — prom journal article ta abstract representing all special areas of the science and all nationalities. Inadequate as results often may seem to be, considerable accomplishment has already been achieved, the degree of which is commensurate with the kind and amount of support BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS has ob- tained. It is time that individual biologists, institutions and societies recognize their role in the future of BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. Now, when their avowed need for speedier, easier, and wider access to the biological research literature is ever more pressing, BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS can provide for biologists an ab- stracting service just as broad, as useful, and as effective as they themselves will support. Since BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS is the direct concern of a vast number of biologists, it seems appropriate to provide its readers with some understanding of the nature of the organi- zation behind the publication, and of how that organization functions. Source of Abstracts. (1) The largest percentage of abstracts is prepared by ‘“‘collaborators,” volun- teer abstracters who work without pay. With due regard to their fields of interest and knowledge of languages, collaborators are selected and assigned to abstract regularly one or more biological journals. (2) Editors of approximately 250 bio- logical journals, under formal agreement, instruct their authors to prepare abstracts for BIO- LOGICAL ABSTRACTS and to return them with their galley proofs. Abstracts of articles in Viii Central Office. This provides both a record and a means of avoiding duplication. Abstracts are then routed to one or another of four staff editors where they receive a preliminary editing and, according to subject matter, are assigned to one of approximately 150 Section Editors. The Section Editor is in each instance a recognized authority in his field, who serves without pay. He edits the abstracts chiefly from the standpoint of content, with special attention to clarity and accuracy. He may accept or reject an abstract for his particular section. Abstracts are then re- turned to the Central Office where they are given a third and final editing by staff editors before they are released for publication and incorporated into an issue. Production. Since BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS is published by the photo-offset method, prepara- tion of the master copy is completed at the Central Office. This includes typing the entire issue on electric proportional spacing I.B.M. typewriters, page make-up with insertion of headings, pagina- tion, preparation of the table of contents, typing of any special features and the author index. Proofreading. Proof is read as the typing of the issue progresses by a small staff of proofreaders. With the photo-offset process, the master copy itself is the only proof. Consequently, the issue receives but one thorough proofreading. Production Schedule. Preparation of each issue is a three-stage procedure: (1) editing; (2) typing, etc., involved in preparation of the master copy; and (3) printing and mailing. For each stage the work is geared to a 30-day schedule which means that, as the reader examines this January issue, editors are working with material for the April issue, typing and make-up of the March issue is in process, while the lithographer is reproducing the February issue which will be ready for mailing about February 1. Guide for the Preparation of Abstracts For the benefit of collaborators with whom, because of their great numbers and wide geo- graphic distribution, contact is not as close as could be desired, for those authors who may be required by editors to furnish abstracts, and for the general information of the reader who recognizes the need for well prepared, informa- tive abstracts, included below are both general and specific suggestions for their preparation. Included also are rules for abbreviating and abbreviations acceptable. ‘General Instructions. 1. The purpose of an abstract is to convey briefly and accurately the content of the original paper, to point up all new observations and main conclusions. At the most, its length should not exceed 3% of that of the original. 2. It should be written in normal English, not telegraphic style, using preferably the third person. Standard rather than proprietary terms should be used where possible. Contractions and abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Assuming that the reader possesses some knowl- edge of the subject but has not read the paper, the abstract should in itself have meaning, with- out reference to the paper. It should not cite sections or illustrations by their specific reference in the text nor include tables or graphs. 3. The citation should be carefully checked for accuracy, and should be in the following form: HANAN, ROBERT, and JIRO OYAMA. (Natl. Insts. Health, Bethesda, Md.) Inhibition of antibody formation in mature rabbits by con- tact_with antigen at an early age. Jour. Im- munol. 73(1): 49-53. 1954. 4. The title of a paper is considered part of the abstract; information contained therein should not be repeated in the abstract. The beginning of an abstract usually reveals the purpose of the investigation, followed by a summary of the extent and source of material, observations and results, and conclusions. 5. Note in the abstract any new apparatus, or new adaptation of apparatus, and give its in- tended use, principles of operation, and the name and address of its manufacturer (if the apparatus is commercially available). 6. New techniques (staining, etc.) should be summarized if this is possible within the scope of the abstract; otherwise, mention them, stating their intended use and principles of operation. 7. Any organism mentioned in the abstract should be designated by its scientific name, if this is used in the original, otherwise by the com- mon named used. In the latter case please add the scientific name (if it is known) in parentheses. 8. List all new genera, species, or varieties de- scribed, giving their geographic range, and if, parasitic, the hosts. 9. Give new or verified constants and other critical data of permanent value, e.g., chromo- ‘some numbers, absorption spectra, formulae of new compounds (drugs, insecticides, etc.), and all important mathematical formulae, simply expressed. 10. Foreign language titles should be accom- panied by English translations. Representation of Taxonomic Material. Any NEW TAXON, or any NEW COMBINATION or NEW SYNONYM which is definitely so labelled, is individually mentioned by name. In- stead of writing explanatory words such as “sp. nov.” or ‘comb. nov.”’, special formulae and underlining are used, as indicated below. For a NEW SPECIES, SUBSPECIES, VARIETY, or FORM, a straight underline is used for the old part of the name, and a wavy underline for the new part. For a NEW GENUS, NEW SUBGENUS, or NEW SECTION, the name is written in capital letters, with a wavy underline, followed by the type species (or with the name of the species if only 1 species is included) and with family name in parentheses for new genera, and indication of genus for new subgenus or section. For a NEW TAXON of SUPERGENERIC RANK, such as NEW TRIBE, NEW SUB- FAMILY, NEW FAMILY, or NEW SUB- ORDER, the name is written in capital letters, but without any underlining, with mention of the genus on which it is based, and included genera or families if not too numerous. For a NEW COMBINATION or NEW NAME, the generic name has a straight under- line, and the specific or varietal name a wavy underline, and this is followed by the old com- bination in parentheses, giving the old generic name, preferably the combination used by the original author of the species. For NEW SYNONYMS, the valid name is given first, with the author’s name (usually omitted where no changes in old names are involved), and followed by parentheses containing an equal sign and the name or names reduced to synonymy. General rules for abbreviation in BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS 1. Abbreviations should be used sparingly in text and with due regard to the context, and to the large proportion of our readers for whom English is not the native tongue. When in doubt, spell it out. 2. Units of weight and measure should be abbre- viated only when preceded by amounts indicated in numerals; thus “several micrograms,” ‘10 ug”? “percent of gain,’ “40%.” 3. Short words such as day, year, ton, should be written out. 4. Use the same abbreviation for singular and plural, thus “1 g,” 4.¢.” 5. Long names, such as those of hormones or compounds, used frequently throughout the text may be spelled out the first time used, followed immediately by an abbreviation in parentheses, and abbreviated thereafter; thus “luteinizing hormone (LH),” “acetylcholine (ACh).” 6. Numerals and ordinals may be used, except at the beginning of a sentence. 7. Geographical names should not be abbre- viated. 8. Names of institutions and journals may be abbreviated as carried in the Journal List. 9. Symbols for chemical elements may be used except when part of the name of compound. 10. Species, subspecies and variety(ies) may be abbreviated sp. (spp.), ssp. (sspp.), var. (vars.), when used in taxonomic abstracts, but should be spelled out in more general abstracts. 11. Letters of such abbreviations as ACTH should not be spaced (not A C T H). ACCEPTABLE ABBREVIATIONS basal metabolic rate BMR chemical elements use chemical symbols cubic centimeter cc or ml cycles per second cps degrees of temperature 25° C or F electrocardiogram ecg electroencephalogram eeg gram g hydrogen ion concentration use pH notation kilogram kg kilovolt kv lethal dose LDso minimum lethal dose MLD meter m microgram ug micron LK milliampere ma milliequivalent meq milligram mg milliliter ml Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., names of months Oct., Nov., Dec. molar M normal (solution) N ounce OZ. parts per million ppm per cent % per mille %o pound lb respiratory quotient RQ species sp. (spp.) subcutaneous subcut. subspecies ssp. (sspp.) ultraviolet UV variety var. (vars.) volume vol. Other abbreviations of units of weight and measure as used in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 35th edition 1953-1954, pages 3100-3102. (Chemical Rubber Publishing Co.)