KK VELT AGEN & KLAS UNG sercin-sreterero-HaNNoOVER INHABER FRANZ UND HILDEGARD CORNELSEN 1000 Berlin 31 - Ginger StraBe 62 - Tel. 830116 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Stanford/Calif. U.S.A. July 16, 1968 29-Dr.Nau-s Dear Professor Lederberg: We are one of the main educational publishers in West Germany, and at the moment we are preparing a new edition of our textbook for German Sixth Forms, "Britain and America", which deals with various cultural and sociological aspects of British and American life. In our search for material we have read the German translation of your article "Science and Man", published in "Die Zeit” some months ago. The editors of "Die Zeit™ have sent us your original manuscript and we would like to imclude your article in our above-named publication which is intended for use in education only. We, therefore, should be véry grateful if you would grant us permission to reproduce your article as shown in the attached copy. It runs to 1, 25 standard pages of the book which will comprise 224 pages altogether. As we are having to work at great pressure to get our textbook out on time, we should be most grateful if you could let us know as soon as possible whether you will grant us your permission. Yours sincerely, VELHAGEN & KLASING i.A. Autor Navarre (Dr. Naumann) P.S. Please could you also let us know whether your article has already been published in English. If so, please give us the exact details of publication.