"MEMO FROM To: ™ J, LEDERBERG R. Glaser RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA AUG G 1969 Perhaps care (= caritas) should also start at home. Would we not be well off te make our own start at carrying research-risk insurance, at the very least for healthy subjects who volunteer with no reference at all to possible therapeutic benefits? (I neticed a lot of Staff in the depart- ment today had offered blood samples for who knows what. The risks are substan- tially zero but that's a good place to begin. ) This would surely be an overhead-able | iten. The insurance would ge beyend the pos- sible recovery for censequences ef neg- ligence; in fact, it would be an effert _ te get out ef that ball park al ; 0. AUG 7 1969 ww