JUL 2 1969 HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL ~<@ MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL Please reply to DEPARTMENT OF ANAESTHESIA Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts 02114 HENRY K. BEECHER, M.D. Dorr Professor of Research in Anaesthesia July 1, 1969 Professor J. Lederberg Genetics Department Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Professor Lederberg: I am enclosing herewith the reprints you asked for, I have read with great interest your editorial on "Informed Guinea Pigs" (I had not * seen it before), and I can say the same thing about the extracts you sent me from the "Annals of Internal Medicine." I suppose you saw my recent article in "Science," where I ex= pressed ideas so similar to your own. I am sure I should have been aware of what you had to say, but the fact is I did not. In any case, I am glad to see that we agree on the necessity for protecting the investigators and their human subjects. I know that you are quite familiar with this hospital and its Committee on Research, What you don't know is the trouble I have had trying to get the ideas expressed in the "Science" article accepted in this in~ stitution. This is not in terms of active rejection but, worse, in terms of acute boredom when I have brought up the subject repeatedly. I do not think for one minute that the acturarial side of this problem is over- whelming. It is not more overwhelming than certain labor legislation already on the books, and successful, I hope you will be interested in looking over my book, RESEARCH AND THE INDIVIDUAL. This is in press at Little, Brown, and I am now wait- ing for the page proof so that the time of its emergence should not be too far away. I have no sense of infallibility and I would be very glad if you would take the trouble to let me know when you disagree with the things I have said in the enclosed reprints. Very sincerely, . > . ev, ‘ Ibn Co at Ne Henry K. Beecher, M.D. See aA, tay?