THE ROCKEFELLE 4230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10021 Please favor me with a reprint of the following item, which has come to my attention through Current Contents. AU Bernstein, 56. TI The Swine Flu Vaccination Campaign of 1976: and the Public Politi SO CONGRESS & THE PRESIDENCY V10, YR Spring Thank you. Barton J. cs, Science: "83 ) 6 dun py cebbut Bargoin far cal research has a tesponsi- bility to perfect its tools to a higher standard, even while the best ones availabie are distributed as widely as pussi- ble. Wheie vaccination is leza!l- ly compulsory, as it is against smallpox; or virtually so, as against polio, we can observe an interesting question of social policy. When a@ large fraction of the population is already vaccinated, the chain of Infection is broken—with great benefit to unvaccinated People as® well. If one in- dividual then refuses vaccina- tion, he no longer exposes himself to very great risk, but is exploiting his fellow citizens who have taken the trouble to be iminunized. Some individuals may have their own reasons to refuse to participate in this kind of social insurance: and if so, it might be perfeetly reason. able to impose a special tax asan alternative contribution to the general welfare. ane tdihe Strains used for Sabin vaceine have been se- lected empirically for having lost this propensity to travel, but we know nothing about the biacghemical basis of the Viruses’ tastes for one tissue Versus another, We are in a very poor po- sition t) predict what migit happen tu reawaken a virus’s appetite for brain. However, we are beginning to understand dimly some of the ways in which virus genes interact with those of host cells, which is obviously fun. damental to eventual know! edge of these relationships. We also Know that viruses of different strains can inter. act with one another and pio- duce new strains, This opens the possibility thal harmless strains could cross-breed and prolitece prozeny, This kind of result is easily demonstrated in the labora. tory. Virulent CC 24/57 a9 e@uuuse Mun UWiL LU Le Sti eral publie. ALTHOUGH we should be avidly secking new knowt- edge, there is a great deal we do know that is not now applied in practical vaccine production. We know how to purify viruses as chemical entities: Dut most vaccines are crude products harvested directly froca infected cut: tures. For example, there is ho regulation that a vaccine be examined under an elec. tron microscope for uniform. ity of its virus particles, or that it be analyzed for its nucleie acid composition or for the molecular weight of its particles. The routine ap- plication of similar tech- niques would have led to a much earlier detection of the SV-40 contamination of polio vaccines. Cost is the main excuse for neglect. But cheap vaccines —_ Dr. Joshua Lederberg 4 The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, New York 10021-6390 AL - 6 (983