STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg Dear Ralph: Only recently, I begen to look anew at the literature on arms control (singe about 1953) and via Jerome Frank's book found a reference to your peper on ‘truth detection in the Millis collection on preventing WS» Could you bring me up to date on the Litera- tureon this subject? Does ACDA support such work? My column of XHHKHE January 1967 is of course a parody on the administrative structure that could enhance credibility. 1 an also sending you a few more current pieces on related LSSuese Sincerely, 4 4 i Ket? Mie by yy T . Lo pr. &. Ww. Gerard University of California Irvine, Calif.