BERTRAM L. PODELL MEMBER OF CONGRESS 131TH District, NEw York Congress of the Anited States House of Representatives Washington, B. C. July 22, 1969 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University S¢hool of Medicine Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg: I am in receipt of your letter and the enclosed article, which I found most thought-provoking. We have reached a point where the entire drug field must be reexamined with a view to sweeping reform. I am appalled at drug prices, particularly as they victimze the elderly. I passionately believe that Medicare should be extended to cover outpatient drugs in their generic form and have introduced a bill to this effect, H.R. 9562. I further feel that the generic name of a drug on drug labels would complement the bill I have referred to above. Why shouldn't people know the generic name? Why should they not be able to acquire that drug under that name? The physician need not be inhibited in his prescribing habits. The pharmacist need not be inhibited in the manner he fills a prescription. The drug industry spends twice as much money annually on advertising as it spends on research. Much of that research money is government subsidy. The drug industry is bloated with profits, heedless of consumer safety and concern for poorer people. Voices like yours have been few along a very dark road. Yet a better day will come. incerely, BERTRAM L. PODELL, M.C. BLP:F:as