11/16/88 arr Les Earnest [stamped, NOV 15 1988] Dear Les Thank you for your wonderful article. My few efforts to rectify the system have been less effective than your own. The world isn't ready. I believe the U.S. took a grave step backward by institutionalizing rather than erasing race, and have often said so. At least it is evolving into a cultural more than a biological concept (a Spaniard is certainly not a Hispanic!) so that self-definition is one feeble [?] outlet. "Who is a Jew" has never not been an issue, emerging again in Israel! My mother taught me, a Jew is one whom Hitler (or x) will never stop persecuting, will never allow to forget that label. Perhaps we could use that. Very good to hear from you; and thank you for Imagen. Joshua. P275 S11 p 214