STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS DaAvenport 1-1200 Ext. 5052 Ee afic[er Dear Howard— This piece on CBR could be used for the Science &Man column for Sept. 25, but that would interrupt a series on the pill so, if agreeable, I would prefer to submit it as an extra mid-week item, available any time from Sept. 20 on. Please let} me know which you decide to do. oe If you do have a chance to call me back, I might then insert any last minute corrections, if any that might be needed. But don't let that pos- sibility impede the prompest use¢ of the piece. Frankly I would prefer to see it come out about Wednesday, on my personal motive to maintain @ non=transient interest in the question. This does not belong in the same semi-jocular category as my suggestion about exporting Fort Knox to a European depository. I guess my thoughts on this don't thoroughly jibe with the Post's editorial policy; but if isé- lationsim is what the ed-writer is worried about, I guess depositing the' gold abroad would be an even firmer commitment againat that! Sincerely, | Soshua Lederberg. KER APA wr Ad at Morcha. LT. ].P. KENNEDY, JR., LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE