SOCIETY “OF “AMERICA can es i PARP ESA ISS LE MERRIE CA ES i Y THE SECRETARY : PUBLISHED B 11 feien the important service the journal performs for members of the iety, and the need for extra pages in the journal in order that publica- s be not delayed, the Executive Committee voted to make a grant of $500. 00 to GENETICS toward publication costs. The money is to be taken rom the Sustaining Membership Account which is part of the Special Fund ie: ‘up for special purposes to be used at the discretion of the Executive Committee. 2. To Local Committee, Tenth Congress: In order to help with 1¢: initial expenses in organizing the Tenth International Congress of Ge- tics, the Executive Committee made a grant of $300.00 to the Local Com- tee at McGill University. The money is to be taken from the Royalty ke which is part of the Special Fund. A committee on liaison to coordinate the work of GENETICS and of the lety, requested at the Business Meeting in 1952, has been established. ie committee members are the Society Representative on the Editorial Board (Dr. Sonneborn), Dr. Brink, and the Secretary of the Society. e Committee Reports = Committee on Aid to Geneticists Abroad: R. E. Cleland, Chairman, re- orted that the Committee had not been active during the year. The Com- nittee recommended that it be retained on an inactive basis in order to be ivailable for emergency situations, and that it be given authority to use its funds to send food parcels where that seems feasible and desirable. A mo- lion to approve the request was adopted. fe Public Education and Scientific Freedom: Curt Stern, Chairman, re- jorted that a resolution to be presented by a member of the Society had been considered; the resolution was not yet in final form. The Committee has been looking for someone to write a pamphlet which will give informa- lion about opportunities in the science of genetics and about the qualifica- ons required of workers in the field; a member of the Society has agreed o prepare the booklet. a 2 Travel Committee for the EX International Congress of Genetics: (Members: R. C. Cook, K. W. Cooper, O. J. Eigsti, M. T. Jenkins, F. J. Ryan (chairman), B. Wallace.) * The Travel Committee was constituted by ex-President Gowen and tharged with facilitating the travel of members of the Genetics Society of America to the IX International Congress of Genetics at Bellagio, Italy, August 24- 31, 1953. ie It considered its task to be two-fold. “1. To help members make their travel reservations through the dis- fribution of information and the selection of, and cooperation with, an offi- dal Travel Agency. » 2, To attempt to raise funds to help finance the travel of members. & “The first objective was met by notifying the membership of our activ- ities through the general distribution of a bulletin and a questionnaire and hrough notices in the program of the 21st Annual Meeting of the G. S. A. at o1 f the action of this radiation. More likely the increased efficiency is due 0a greater than average nitrogen content for the Drosophila gonad. 'Research carried out at Brookhaven National Laboratory under the uspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.) be E LEDERBERG, ESTHER M., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. fhe inheritance of lysogenicity in interstrain crosses of Escherichia coli. z Of 50 diverse fertile strains, four proved to be sensitive to and lyso- tenized by the bacteriophage lambda carried by strain K-12. Crosses within these strains indicate an Lp locus determining lysogenicity and linked to Gal as in K-12. Each new strain lysogenized by lambda shows a more limited output of plaques when tested on K-12 than on the other sensi- live indicators. Similarly, K-12 is more resistant than the other sensitives to free lambda originating from the other strains. By testing for sensi- tivity to both sources of lambda, and for lysogenicity on each indicator, four phenotypes are delineated: two lysogenic and two sensitive. These re- lationships are analogous to the host-induced modifications of lambda de- eecribed by Bertani and Weigle (J. Bact. 65, 113). Whenever lysogenic x nsitive crosses involve K-12 as one parent, all four possible recombi- ant classes are found in the progeny, thus establishing a second locus, Mp, hich modifies the expression of Lp. K-12 occurs as Mp! Lp* (lysogenic) t Mp’ Lp® (sensitive); the other four strains as MpSLp+ (modified lyso- enic) or MpSLp§ (modified sensitive). Linkage of Mp to the Lp-Gal loci as not demonstrated. Crosses reciprocal with respect to F (compatibility ictor) differed in yield but not in the type of recombinants. The absence tsensitives from crosses of lysogenics segregating for Mp makes it likely hat lambda prophage remains fixed to Lp, rather than Mp, in all lines. ; LEDERBERG, J., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Phase vari- tion in Salmonella. — The flagella carried by cells of a given serotype oc - ur in two alternative phases (specific/group or 1 and 2) which are geneti- ally conservative. The alternation may occur at a rate of 10-4 per gener- ition (B. Stocker) or often much less, and superficially resembles point putation. Genetic transduction analysis (Lederberg and Edwards, J. Im- nunol. 71, 232) has shown, however, that the alternative specificities are ‘ontrolied by two distinct loci, Hy and Hg, corresponding to the two homol- gous series of antigens, and accounting for the oscillation between just wo states. The mechanism of genetic differentiation of the phases has not en settled: it might depend on the cytoplasm (as in Paramecium) or on the state of a third locus. However, the correlation found between the anti- genic state of the donor cells and the transductive competence of phage ly- sates from them suggests a third alternative: that the differentiation is hased on the states of the Hj and Hg loci themselves. - In addition, certain tther antigenic variations, so-called ‘‘artificial phases’’ have been found to behave not as phasic oscillations but as point mutations of serological spec- specificity, e.g. Hy? to Hy233. LEFEVRE, G., JR., and P. C. FARNSWORTH, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mutational isoallelism at the yellow and white loci in VOT