OCT 26 1966 CARL HAYDEN, ARIZ., CHAIRMAN RICHARD B, RUSSELL, GA. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL, MASS, ALLEN J. ELLENDER, LA. MILTON R. YOUNG, N. DAK, LISTER HILL, ALA. KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK. JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE A. WILLIS ROBERTSON, VA. THOMAS H. KUCHEL, CALIF. Iw + WARREN G. MAGNUSON, WASH. ROMAN L. HRUSKA, NEBR. £ Q Dt { S { SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, FLA. GORDON ALLOTT, COLO, iWItte ales erate JOHN STENNIS, MISS. NORRIS COTTON, N,H. JOHN ©, PASTORE, R.1. CLIFFORD P. CASE, N.J. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS A. S. MIKE MONRONEY, OKLA, ALAN BIBLE, NEV. ROBERT C. BYRD, W. VA. October 20, 1966 GALE W. MCGEE, WYO, MIKE MANSFIELD, MONT. E.L. BARTLETT, ALASKA WILLIAM PROXMIRE, WIS. RALPH YARBOROUGH, TEX. THOMAS J, SCOTT, CHIEF CLERK WM, W. WOODRUFF, ASST. CHIEF CLERK Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California Dear Professor Lederberg: Iam remiss in responding to your letter of Septem- ber 20 because of a delay in the hopes that I would be able to send to you a copy of Senator Kuchel's statement respecting your ''Costing Human Life" article. Senator Kuchel put it in the Record on October 17 and a copy is enclosed for your information, I think the ideas have worked out very well, particularly from the practical point of view as a means of explaining the kinds of costs that are involved in some of the social ser- vices which must be rendered to our society, even in defense of free enterprise, Your provocative idea about gold is quite original, I am afraid that we are still somewhat bogged down with more conventional approaches to the Europe problem, The State Department, from which I am only lately sprung myself, is not given much to ideas of such novelty. Nor are politicians willing to see gold leave the country. Frankly, I regret very much that such imaginative proposals cannot be given the entertainment they deserve, but I am afraid it is the case, The only response is perhaps a paraphrase of Clemencau: Peace is too valuable to be entrusted to generals, or to statesmen for that matter, With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, J tee riam ——s Legislative Assistant to Senator Thomas H, Kuchel M:j Enclosure