NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. March 25, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California Dear Dr. Lederberg: The Foundation has received the enclosed application, B-7092, requesting support of a project to develop suitable instruments for detection of microorganisms. We would like to have the benefit of your thinking relative to several features in addition to the scientific adequacy and feasibility of the program proposed. One relates to whether or not the "hardware orientation" of the umertaking fits the basic research mission of the Foundation. The other is that of whether or not the Foundation is the appropriate supporting agency in view of the responsibilities assigned the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Certainly we would appreciate receiving your comments at your early opportunity. fk 2 f Sincerely yours, 4 » vr ? € Le 7 George pru Program Director for Environmental Biology