May 21, 1962 Or. Jerome 8. Wiesner President's Science Advisory Comulttes The White House Washington, 0.C. MEMORANDUM Deer Jerry: Some notes to tape daw the substance ef our telephone conversation. The call wes made at Or. Doty's specific suggestion te convey seme of our sutua!l lepressions shout the chief problem areas worthy of censideration for U.S. Japan cooperation in science. t. Rather than attempt to deal with specific substantive areas the discussions should emphasize the genera! problem ef sclence communication between the two countries. This should be dramatized in order to bring cut @s many proposals for effective solutions as possible from the people who could implement them rather then have thea directed from on high. 2. Some specific suggestions fol low: a. Special support for English languege publication of Japanese research. Hany of the present English or bilingual Journals are In serlous financial difficulty. b. Establishment of reference centers on @ reciprocal basis to furnish access to current publications In the U.S. and Japan respectively. to sclentists in the other countries. ยข. Broadening the functions of the sclence attache to include survey reports enslegeus to those now furnished by ONR London. An aggressive athe atcha officer in such a post could also be the focus of additions! proposals. d. Announce special eaphesis on the probles of effective comunt-~- cation to elicit specific working proposals. This should be perticulerly effective as se means of generating means to improve the use of a } of general scientific communication (which happens te be English). e. Paul elso wished to stress his very strong support fer in- creased, not cut back, NIH funds for Japenese sclence, particularly in support of badly needed equipment. Yours sincerely, Joshue Lederberg Professor of Genetics ec: Or. Paul doty br. Alvin Weinberg