THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 26, 1962 Dear Joshua: Thank you very much for your comments on government reser- vation of bandwidth for internal technical communications, As you probably know, any frequencies which are usable for microwave communications can be used in the satellite system, so the government really retains control over all of the channels which might be used for satellite communications through the allocation responsibility of the Federal Communications Commission and the President's Telecommunications Adviser. At the present time only a very small number of channels will be used in the international satellite commun- ications system, and others certainly could be reserved for the purpose you indicate. Iam hopeful that ultimately satellite communications techniques will so reduce the cost of communications within the U. S. that internal technical communications of the type you are suggesting will be possible. In addition to requiring an inexpensive satellite relay system, it will be necessary to develop adequate data links to go with the system. Iam hopeful that in the near future a serious effort will be started to develop technology for this purpose. With best regards, Sincerely, B. Wiesner Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Palo Alto, California