STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor J. Lederberg, Executive February 11, 1962 To: Jerry Wiesner, White House Re: Satellite Communications -- Govt. reservation of bandwidth for internal technical com- munications. Dear Jerry-- Is there still time to make it worth- while to consider the following suggestion: The US has invested very large sums in the establish- ment of satellite technology, on which new high bandwidth telecommunications will be built. While policy is still fluid, should not the US reserve say 30 per cent of the bandwidth for its own internal communications particularly of a technical nature? | have in mind the data links that could eventually revolutionize the dissemination of scientific in- formation. (And of course | am also thinking of easing the killing demands on the technical con- sultants, demands that will be bound to grow with time.) If we don't plan this now, 20 years from now, it will still be ''too expensive!’ to link Stanford with Washington by a video channel, which will still cost 10,000 an hour at commercial rates. It seems to me a good way for industry to "repay'' the US costs in the preliminary development, which cannot possibly be charged for in monetary terms if we hope to have any commercial satellite communications. Besides, if the ''repayment'' were in monetary terms, it would be of little direct use to technical communications as such, but be swal lowed in the budget. Joshua