March 8, 1961 Or. Jereme Wiesner President's Scientific Advisory Caunci | The White House Washington, 0.ยข. Dear Dector Wiesner: Thank you for your Invitation to serve as a consultant to your Commlttee. As | heave discussed with fr. Harderinger, | would be delighted to offer whatever services | can within the limitations of my other responsibilities. At the moment, these would limit the extent to which i could usefully cammute from Stanford to Washington. However, the telephone may help meke up for this. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Or. Wiesner, cont. 2 March 8, 1961 P.S. Thank you also for your reply to my letter on the exploitation of byproducts of military research. { certainly will remember your Invitation te call on you In Washington. | did not have an elaborate program In mind, so auch as a directive that contributions to clvl! economy wore a legitimate though subsidiary concern of military develop- ment work.