(SAC ~ yposs pat CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA GATES AND CRELLIN LABORATORIES OF CHEMISTRY March 16, 1962 Professor J. Lederberg, Dean School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Professor Lederberg: Thank you for your thoughtful létter of March 7. Some of your views parallel and some oppose those of other members of the committee, from whom I have now received comments. This includes essentially everyone. I expect that by now Dr. Golovin will have gotten in touch with you about our next meeting, although I gather that because of your trip to Japan it may be impossible for you to at-— tend. This is most unfortunate, since at that time I hope we can air some of these questions and lay out our work for future meetings. At any rate, I will keep you informed and if you can't come I shall try to represent your point of view. With best regards, Sincerely yours, Donald F. Hornig