PEPE THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 2, 1961 Dear Dr. Lederberg: As you already know, our Space Science Panel met Monday here in Washington. We regret that you were unable to attend this meeting. If I may be permitted to generalize, I would say that the day was profitably spent in getting the panel members up-to-date on the NASA plans for space science, and in attempting to delineate appropriate problem areas for the panel to explore further at a later date. You will probably receive in the near future some information from Don Hornig on the questions that arose and how we propose to direct our efforts. In the meantime, we have tentatively established the date of October 18 for our next meeting and would appreciate your holding this date open if possible. Should there be any change or further development, I will keep you informed, Sincerely yours, Deeea Douglas R. Lord Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California