fShe THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 28, 1961 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Dr. Wiesner has been requested by the Space Council to convene a panel of scientists to consider recommendations which can be made to promote the necessary biological effort in the exploration of space. The major unsolved problems will require the combined effort of many disciplines, and the priority of the program is such that it will require implementation as soon as possible. We plan to visit one or two of the major Air Force installations, and will have one or two meetings in Washington. The first meeting is tentatively set for the llth of September at the School of Aviation Medicine, San Antonio, Texas. Dr, Paul Beeson, Professor of medicine at Yale, has agreed to chair the panel, and joins me in hoping that your busy schedule will permit you to participate, I would appreciate hearing from you as soon as convenient. If you have any questions, please call me at Executive 3-3300, X2394, Ss ple. yours, ames B. Ae Technical Assistant Office of the Special Assistant for Science & Technology Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Department School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California