Septesber 7, 1962 Br. James B. Harber ing ) President's Sclentific Advisory Cam! ttee B 8 log | The White House Washington, DBD. C. Bear Jim: During the pest months {| have been very auch alermed about the Imp! ications thet the House Appropriations Cow:lttee's pressure on the NIN for 'iaproved business management'' may have for the conduct of blolegica! and medical re- search In this country. tmt!! recently this concern wes more abstract; howaver, It Is just an I}lustration ef its possible Impact that one of ay om recent applications for NIH support, having been approved with respect 3} to Its sclentific merits by the appropriate study section, wes returned by V} the Counc! for further information, primarily with regard to budgetary a details. Conservatively, it would have to estimate that it took a full week of my tine to collect and restate the material asked for, and together with the long tine delays Involved in the repested referrel of such an appl i- cation, this kind ef thing threatens to become a very serious lapediaent to the canduct of eclentific research. 1 realize thet the NIH has, In the past, followad its om inclinations and devices In its relationships with Congress, but the present situation seems to me too alerming to be Ignored by PSAC, In view of the serlous potential threat to the mschanisa of federal support of sclence, besed on mutual confidence. t believe thet NIH's current administrative policy is besed on the directions of the House Appropriations Comalttee following the recent heerings where Dr. Shannen and other NIH representatives testified. 1 would like to bring these to your attention, with the hope that the matter may also be brought home to PSAC. | would also appreciate it If you could get this testimony and report for me as printed In the record. Cordially, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL: odf