August 28, 1961 Dr. James B. Hartgering . President's Scientific Advi sory. Counchl Gir. The White House Washington, 0.C. Deer Dr. Hartgering: You will recall our conversation concerning the PSAC panel on bloastronautics that you had asked me to join. | Indicated thet | would be hopeful of being able to be of some limited service to the panel when its detfiberations particularly concerned exoblalogy. I would like to recommend for your consideration the appointment of one of my very close colleagues as an alternate to myself, Dr. Ellott €. Levinthal. Dr. Levinthal fs now In charge of the exoblology taboratory program here and we have had many detalled conversations on research In space blology which have been most frultful to me, and which will also have: given him the opportunity of a detalled Impression of my own views. in additlon to his special experience at the present time, | would also say that his previous background and general common sense would recommend him very highly for membership on a comnittee of this kind. With particular reference to the part of exoblological work In the national space program, While Dr. Levinthal would certainly deserve membership in his own right, you might also wish to consider the possibility of his acting as an alternate for those meetings which | would be unable to attend myself. t enclose a brief curriculum vitae . “curs sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics