April 7, 1964 Professor M, Florkin Laboratoire de Biochimia Universite de Liege 17 place Delcour Liege, Belgium Dear Professor FPlorkin: Our earlier correspondence has perhaps crossed in the matl. In any case I thought I showld write you again that unfortunately sefther Dr. Levinthal nor I will be able to leave Stanford this spring and therefore will not be able to attend COSPAR at Florence, COSPAR deserves every encouragement to pursue the earth's comaon interest in planetary hygiene, which remains too Luportant to be left to competitive happenstance or to uncertain praconeeptions about the planetary habitats, However, I should say that personally I could now add little to what has already been published and reviewed in Professor Heden's very useful compendium. It clearly is time to elicit a auch wider front of scientifically formed opinion as the base of international policy in this area. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics ce: Professor Heden Enc: Stanford Today, Winter 1663 Nida 44