paueraéteir? de | lechimie Jniversité de Li4ze EZ 17 place Delcour Lidése/Belgium Liége, 18th February 1964 FEB 24 1964 Professor Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical School Stanford,Calif USA Dear Professor Lederberg, As you are aware, a part of the next Symposium (12-14 May 1964) of COSPAR at Florence is to he devoted to Life Sciences. Ve would like to have a review paper on exobiology and to see the emphasis placed on the problem of sterilization. It would be very kind of you if ya could accept to prepare and present this review paper. In the event of it being impossible for you to accept this invitation, would you be kind enough to ask Dr. Hlliott Levinthal to do so. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, i ” / i i -AD : (o4™ Pe Le Ue { f- ~ siarcel Florkin