March 28, 1961 Or. Hugh Odi shaw Spece Science Board 1145 19th Street, N.W., Room 716 Washington 6, B.C. Sear Nugh: 1 know you must be pretty busy now trying to get set for ofcarn meeting. | hope | am not being too troublesome In not wanting to wild goose chase. | would appreciate It very much If you would follow through on what | consider to be our present agreed arrangement. if, after your arrival in Florence, you tndeed find that a particularly useful purpose might be served If 1 attended, | would appreciate it If you would call me. | have standby reservations for the l2th just in case and could travel on something like 24-48 hours notice. The circumstance that would justify the expense, time and discomfort of my travelling too would be If there were representation from the Russiens or from other significant forelgn groups competent to discuss problems related to exoblology or to do some explicit tangible plenning for a later meeting. At the moment it does not look as if this will be the case and consequently there would appear to be little substance to the discussions in respect to biology. tn the clreumstances, | would like to leave it to your am Judgment how to handie the hotel reservations Indicated In Joel's memorandum. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics