MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Rc GENETICS DEPARTMENT KrAvatioc RO PALO ALTO, OCT 1 i959 PS: | will be very happy to attend COSPAR next January if a suitable program for exobiology can be worked out. As mentioned before, this might well include Urey and Calvin -- Urey to review present evidence of planetary life; Calvin to do his own plans for |R-spectrometry on probes. | might collect current ideas on detectors for. landing experiments, and the general significance for biology of these studies. If the Group on Experiments (vice CETEX) is convening, | would be happy to discuss decontami- nation with them; | doubt if this should be a main topic as such for the general meeting. As goes without saying, every effort should be made to encourage a counterpart represantation pn this topic from the Russians. RRXX JL