December 17, 1964 To: J. FP. T. Pearman, Executive Director Exobiclogy Summer Study Fron: Joshua Lederberg Profesaor of Genetics Subj: Recommendations of Plenary Sessions ~ November 6, 1964 As I was not present at the meeting, I can hardly complain about having to make an exception, but I must record a formal dissent to Item 9%. Thais may be a highly academic question except in any international discussions, but these may be crucial in the next few years. I do not believe we can justify any lander on Mars before we have had the benefit of comprehensive orbital reconnaissance. The basis of this position (which I have reached only gradually), is detailed in other material already submitted. Briefly, we cannot make a scientifically honest appraisal of the potentially famense risks of contan- ination, and of the prudence of our response to them, without much more information sbout Mars than we now have. And the only really safe way to collect such information {fs from a distance. It goes without saying that we have to make extensive preparations for a landing, e.g., the design of an ABL, in advance; otherwise we would lose 5 to 10 years lead from the time we could decide to land end under what stringencies. prea / Joshua Lederberg JL:as ee: C,. &. Pittendrigh 0. E. Reynolds