NOV 9 1969 UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 Schools of Medicine November 2, 1962 Undergraduate and Graduate Divisions DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: I have learned from Dr. Harry Hess, the new Chairman of the Space Science Board, that he is anxious to bring to a close the activities of the Man in Space Committee and its Study Groups. It is my understanding that each Committee member, Study Group member and liaison member is being directly informed of this action. I have several important purposes in writing to you now. One of these purposes is to extend my sincere personal thanks for your prompt and willing response to the request of the Academy's Man in Space Committee for your time and your judgment. While few of us were satisfied with the rate of our progress, the activities of the MIS Committee were born and developed apace with the evolution of attention to life sciences within NASA. During these important months the Committee and its Study Groups served as excellent vehicles for scientific communication among NASA, DOD and extragovernmental scientists. Another purpose in writing is to ask each Study Group to give full attention to the request of Dr. Seitz, President of the National Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Hess for delivery of recommendations which were part of the basis for formation of the Study Group. Most of you know that we were hoping to pull all of these efforts together next spring and summer. While it may not now be possible to give this task the time originally planned for it, it will be unfortunate if any Group is not able to express its scientific views in a quantitatively acceptable manner. I do hope that when a report is delivered you will send a copy to me in order that these, suitably accredited, may be brought to bear upon the national need whenever occasion for this arises. Finally, I am anxious to acquaint you with my strong conviction that the space programs of this country have had and will continue to have a great need for such biomedical studies of man as those in which you have been involved. I have accordingly expressed this attitude vigorously and in detail both to Dr. Hess and to Dr. Seitz. My efforts were in an attempt to avoid the losses of continuity, effectiveness and interest which result from fluctuation between urgent request for the aid of citizen scientists and the indication that such aid is not in fact required. I believe it has been possible to express to the Academy both the great need for evolution of a sound system of advisory functions concerned with biomedical aspects of the space programs and the national loss resulting from discontinuity of long-term biomedical studies. With best personal regards, Sincerely yours,” . a , Le . - aan / _ a “ by “ “ ao a aaa . a fn foe ¢ . coe ute va 7 WN fuk la me f “¢ wore “ C.J. Lambertsen, M.D. Professor of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics CJILsel