2101 CONSTITUTION AVENUE CABLE ADDRESS: NARECO WASHINGTON 25, D. C. WASHINGTON, D. Cc. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SPACE SCIENCE BOARD June 22, 1961 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua: Recently the United States Information Agency asked me to help them develop a series of lectures for radio presentation on the general subject of space science and exploration, It appears to me that their approach is a sensible and useful one, and accordingly I have agreed to do what I can to help them get together some lectures, and I told them that I would as much as possible turn to scientists who had contributed to the special issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists because much of this material is so readily adaptable. I am writing to you in the hope that you can contribute to this series, dealing with the subject of exobiology. Because the intent of the series is a serious scientific one and you will not be called upon to engage in mere populari- zation, I feel that you can rather easily capitalize upon the Bulletin essay for the present purpose. Rather than try to describe the general approach, it's much simpler to give you some examples, Three are enclosed -- two in a biology series (mimeograph text) and one in the chemistry series (printed form). The talks are scheduled for half an hour so that the text runs about 3000 words. As to some details: The Forum Series on Space Science and Exploration will consist of some twenty addresses, The list of proposed topics and lecturers is enclosed. The lectures are all oriented around the "space age," its problems and opportunities, and the significance to date and forthcoming of space tools to science and its applications, Your lecture could make excellent use of the Bulletin material, going into the subject much along the same: general lines, with such additions, deletions, and changes as you deem appropriate for a lecture at the present time, Perhaps you will feel that you and Novick ought to do it together, but I don't see how this works out for a lecture series. I do hope that you can do it because USIA is so interested in you personally for this particular lecture, The lectures will be taped and then shipped abroad for presentation over the Voice of America, The taping will be done at your convenience either in Washington or at a local radio station. In Washington, you would go to the USIA studios; if a local station is more convenient, the USIA will make suitable arrangements. Because USIA would like to start the program on November 1, the recordings would have to be made sometime between now and around the early part of October. The printed version of the talks is exemplified by the enclosure of Harrison Brown's lecture. Experience has shown that there is a great deal of interest among intellectuals and scientists road in having the text, Therefore the USIA plans to issue the talks in this printed form, In order to get the printing job done, a manuscript of your talk would be needed just as soon as you could get to it -- July would be ideal, I do hope that you can contribute to the series, for the lectures -- in oral and printed forms -- should be most helpful for better public understanding of space science and carry also good connotations from an international relations point of view, It is also quite likely that the series may see book version. Finally, the USIA would provide its usual honorarium of two hundred and fifty dollars as a token of appreciation. May I hear from you soon on this? With all good wishes, Sincerely yours, , y Hyg shaw Executive’ Director Encl. June 32, 1961 Saited Stetas Information Ageacy ante Selar terrestrial relationships Geadetic rvessacch Space satellites ad weather forecesting Geomageetion Yan Alien iadLation Belts and sear space interplacetary whdiun Galacti«x esd extragalactic sstronesy Reebiclagy Space biology Han in space Communications Gravitation own Fienete, particularly Mere and Yeaus Laeterer Sexbert Yriedesm G. % Youllerd & BS. Villione Je Ve Chusbertain terry Venler B. S. Jobueou J. 9. Heppeer Je Ap tam Alina Je An Simpson Jo tederbers Celia Pitteadrigh Ce Je Leaberteen Jom %, Peres Re He Dieke Lee Galdterg Ge de Veucaulecrs Gerden 3, %. Wanteneld