April 26, 1961 a “ Dr. Hugh Od! shaw 1145 19th Street, N.W. Room 716 Washington 6, 9.C. Dear Hugh: Re. the position paper on man's role: we alssed the boat. | regret that the polnt on how man Is in space now was not Included In LV8's letter of March 31, 1961, and more that the administration did not promulgate It. Since Gagarin, It would sound like sour grapes. in retrospect, our fuss about man-Inespace looks like a setup to dramatize the Russien's accomplishing It. The best we can do now Is to stress the try view of scientific exploration. Chapter | of $clence In Space is excellent, and | liked peges 18-21 better than the new statement. On the whole, | think you can feel rather pleased with your= self on S.1.$. As Intended, !t should set the pace for long time, as we hope. How many coples are you sending to the Russians? is there any arrangement for a discount price on $.1.$. for authors? 1} would like to order some few copies for the education of some of my friends. : Yours sincerely, Joshue Lederberg Professor of Genetics P.$. How was Florence? Did 1! do wrong not to go? Does Florkin's letter have any material backing from the Russians?