554 Seed February 20, 1961 Dr. Joel Orlen Space Sclence Board National Academy of Sclences 2101 Constitution Avenue Washington 25, D.C. Dear Doctor Orlen: This Is In reply to your letter of February 13. 1) t wrote to ferusalimsk! a few weeks ago, with copy to Dick Porter. Please let ma know what comes up. 2) 1 em personally not too keen about this exchange visit, and would not press it without better evidence of USSR receptivity. Might we put this off till after COSPAR? | am already tentatively listed for an exchange visit In October, Genetics and Metabol!sm' - Dr. Chris Anfinsen at NIH Is In charge of these arrangements. 3) | wrote George that this looks 0.K. 4) Thinking. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professer of Genetics